Category: Sales

  • Three Best Practices for Achieving Organic Sales Growth

    Three Best Practices for Achieving Organic Sales Growth

    Most business owners would probably agree that, when it comes to sales, there’s always room for improvement. To this end, every company should strive for organic sales growth — that is, increases from existing operations unrelated to a merger or acquisition. That’s not to say a merger or acquisition is necessarily a bad idea, but…

  • Three Key Traits of Every Successful Salesperson

    Three Key Traits of Every Successful Salesperson

    Take a mental snapshot of your sales staff. Do only a few of its members consistently bring in high volumes of good margin sales? An old rule of thumb says that about 20% of salespeople will make 80% of sales; in other words, everyone’s not going to be a superstar. However, you can create performance…

  • How to Research a Business Customer’s Creditworthiness

    How to Research a Business Customer’s Creditworthiness

    Extending credit to business customers can be an effective way to build goodwill and nurture long-term buyers. But if you extend customer credit, it also brings sizable financial risk to your business, as cash flow could grind to a halt if these customers don’t make their payments. Even worse, they could declare bankruptcy and bow…

  • For Best Results, Start Your Strategic Planning Early

    For Best Results, Start Your Strategic Planning Early

    Time flies when you’re having fun — and running a business. Although it’s probably too early to start chilling a bottle of bubbly for New Year’s Eve, it’s certainly not too early for business owners to start doing some strategic planning for next year. Here are some ways to get started. Begin with your financials…

  • Targeting and Converting Your Company’s Sales Prospects

    Targeting and Converting Your Company’s Sales Prospects

    Companies tend to spend considerable time and resources training and upskilling their sales staff on how to handle existing customers. And this is, no doubt, a critical task. But don’t overlook the vast pool of individuals or entities that want to buy from you but just don’t know it yet. We’re talking about prospects. Identifying…